
Gram, Eighth, Quarter, Ounce: Understanding Weed Weights

weed weights 12 - Gram, Eighth, Quarter, Ounce: Understanding Weed Weights

If you enjoy cannabis but are unsure of the dosage or term most frequently used, don’t hesitate to read on. We will explain it all in detail.

Unless you were a math enthusiast in high school, being new to the cannabis world likely means you wish you had paid more attention in class. A correlation exists between having excellent measuring skills and understanding how weed is sold by quantity.

Most commonly, cannabis is sold in ounce-weights. Although you can find it in smaller portions like grams, you usually save more money per transaction when buying a larger amount. For example, buying an “eighth” of an ounce (3.5 grams) will set you back less than if you bought three individual grams of weed.

If you wish to purchase more cannabis, keep in mind that it is still illegal in some areas. Carrying any amount of cannabis on your person can lead to legal penalties depending on the region you are in. Even regions where marijuana has been decriminalized or legalized often have a limit of only one ounce per person.

If you possess more than the recommended amount, you may be accused of illegal activity. To avoid this situation, make sure to always research the laws beforehand.

weed weights 13 - Gram, Eighth, Quarter, Ounce: Understanding Weed Weights

Common Weed Weights

When travelling to English-speaking countries, you will likely encounter the following common weed weights.


The gram is the base unit commonly used to weigh and sell weed. A gram is one twenty-eighth of an ounce, and will fit snugly into the palm of your hand. Cannabis users often refer to grams as opposed to any other weight because it’s (1) the smallest amount you can purchase and use or (2) give awayand still receive tangible effects from smoking it; essentially, a free sample size hit.

Eighth (3.5g)

1/8 ounce (3.5 grams) is the perfect amount for 6-7 marijuana joints or 7-10 bowls. 1/8 oz is commonly used in North America, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain; however, it’s less common throughout Europe–though this may differ depending upon the location within Europe. For example, at many coffeehouses located across Amsterdam weed is sold in smaller amounts of 1 gram, 3 grams or 5 grams.

Quarter (7g)

0.25 ounces is the average amount needed for 12-14 joints or 14-25 bowls. Quarter, a term used often in North America, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK is known to be a familiar measurement.

Half (14g)

Using half an ounce will fill around 30 joints or 40 to 50 bowls, a term used commonly in Western countries like the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.

Ounce (28g)

1 ounce of cannabis will create 60 joints or more than 100 bowls. Ounces are the standard measurement in areas where people still use imperial units; however, they are occasionally used to measure cannabis in metric countries as well.

Pound (453g)

Most people in the United States and Canada use pounds to weigh various objects. did you know that 16 ounces equals one pound- which is also the maximum amount (in many places) anyone can legally carry on their person at any given time? To help put this into perspective, if there are sixteen ounces in one pound and 28 grams in one ounce- that would mean 448 grams make up one pound, right? Wrong! The gram is actually a metric unit of measure, meaning this particular discrepancy exists.

How Much Weed Is in a Joint?

The amount of cannabis one should use per joint or blunt depends on the individual. One gram is typically enough for 1-2 joints, or 1 small blunt. You can usually find pre-rolled joints in half-gram or full-gram options at your local dispensary.

The Importance of Bud Density in Weed Weight

The density of the cannabis flower is an important aspect to be aware of when considering weed weight. This can differ significantly among strains, making your chosen quantity look like more or less than you were expecting. A quarter of Gelato, for example, will appear smaller than a quarter of Maui Wowie which will look light and fluffy in comparison.

weed weights 14 - Gram, Eighth, Quarter, Ounce: Understanding Weed Weights

Slang Terms for Weed Weights

Use the terms below to better understand various weights or amounts of weed in different areas where English is spoken.

  • Nick: In the US, a nick is slang for five dollars’ worth of weed, which is about half a gram. This amount of marijuana is only enough for one person to Smoke when they are desperate.
  • Dime / dime bag: If you want your weed to last longer, smoke it out of a pipe rather than rolling it up into a joint. Dime bags usually contain half a gram to one whole gram.
  • Dub: One dub is 20 dollars worth of weed, which is equivalent to 1.5-2 grams. Some experienced dealers might offer you a cheaper price, like a “15-dollar dub”. Used in the United States.
  • Key: A key refers to a kilo, which is equal to approximately 2.2 pounds in weight. The set price for a key can vary, and not all dealers will agree to trade in such large amounts. Keys are more often bought to resell them as opposed to keeping them for personal use. This term is mainly used in Europe and the United Kingdom.”
  • Slice: A slice is another name for an eighth. Used in the US and Canada.
  • Zip: The term “zip” is commonly believed to originate from the slang for an ounce of weed, which comfortably fits in a Ziploc bag. Although other theories suggest it means the abbreviation for ounce (oz), this word is most often used in American English.
  • Sawbuck: 10 dollars worth of weed.
  • “A 20”: 20 dollars worth of weed. Used in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • “A 50”: 50 dollars worth of weed. Used in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.
  • Stick: A stick is comparable to a single gram of cannabis. Used in Australia and New Zealand.

How to Weigh Weed Without a Scale

If you don’t have a digital scale on-hand, how can you double-check the weight of your weed purchase to ensure you’re not getting ripped off? One way is by using the penny and ruler method.

A UK 1p coin weighs 3.56g, a US cent weighs 2.5g, and a Euro cent weighs 2.3 for reference so that you can create your own smallscale with your ruler. With the penny on one side and the weed on the other, you can balance to find an estimate of how much weed you have acquired..

How Much Does a Gram of Weed Cost?

The price of weed is always changing, hinging on various conditions. For instance, more potent or rare strains will be more expensive because people want them and there’s less of it. Additionally, how and where a strain is grown affects its value—all the way down to who you’re buying from. If it’s somebody you know, that’ll likely cost less than if it were from a dispensary in an unfamiliar town.

The difference between legal and illegal cannabis regions is vast. In areas with dispensaries, black market dealers will often peddle low-cost weed that cuts into the prices of legally obtained reefer.

Some illegal dealers sell at prices higher than legal dispensaries, claiming that the quality of their weed is better. This may be because it’s grown organically or has superior genetics, but it could also simply be a way to inflate prices. The risk associated with getting caught plays a role in pricing as well—a gram in California will cost less than one in Saudi Arabia, where cannabis possession can still lead to serious consequences.

If we go by ballpark averages, the latest data available from the 2018 Cannabis Price Index can give us a good idea. This study took data collected by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and listed approximate prices for a gram of weed in US dollars in some major cities around the world:

  • New York — $10.76
  • Los Angeles — $8.14
  • Toronto — $7.82
  • London — $9.20
  • Amsterdam — $10.80

By growing your own weed, you can save money and hassle by measuring, weighing, and pricing it up. You also get to customize the perfect strain for you and always have a tailored supply on hand.

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