
Difference Between Shatter And Wax

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As marijuana becomes legalized in more and more states, different forms of the plant are becoming available to consumers. Some of the most popular variants include wax, shatter, oil and hash. Wax and shutter are particularly popular as a means of medical marijuana consumption because they have high concentrations of THC. This allows for an effective way to deal with stress and pain for patients.

Both oil variants are similar, with a main difference being their concentration. These two types are referred to as BHOs (Butane Harsh Oils), which is because butane is used in the extraction process of terpenes and cannabinoids. This results in a product that has high concentrations of both substances. The THC concentration of smoking the herb on average is around 22%, but these concentrations can be as high as 80% or even higher. This could explain why they have gained popularity. Both are also used for recreational and medical purposes.

Shatter vs Wax

Shatter and Wax are two types of concentrate that were developed to help people deal with anxiety, insomnia, or depression. The major distinction between Shatter And Wax is that Wax is a cannabis concentrate with a high THC concentration but somewhat thick, butter-like consistency. Shatter is also an extract from marijuana; it’s the most pure kind of concentrate extracted from weed. It has a see-through and glassy appearance.

Wax is a weed concentrate that is derived from various Wax plants. The concentrate is greasy when extracted, but the oil molecules solidify during extraction to form the finished product. It has a butter-like texture with a yellowish-orange color and waxy texture.

Shatter is a weed concentrate that is extracted from weed plants. It is believed to be the purest form of concentrates available because it has a high content of THC and its appearance is relatively clean. Shatter has an orange-yellow color, and as the molecules are agitated its viscosity changes depending on the temperature.

What Is Cannabis Wax?

difference between shatter and wax 552x400 - Difference Between Shatter And WaxCannabis wax, a type of hash oil concentrate derived when a solvent is applied to cannabis plant material, resembles ear wax and has some of the highest THC concentrations.

Why should you avoid using cannabis wax when it’s available? Because cannabis wax may contain up to 90% THC and deliver a unique high. Wax is also great if you have a serious medical condition that requires quick symptom alleviation. Cannabis wax, of course, can be prohibitively pricey — some dispensaries charge as much as $50 per gram.

How Is Cannabis Wax Made?

Cannabis wax is a DIY product since it may be produced using solvent-based extraction methods. However, we don’t recommend attempting the procedure because if you don’t know what you’re doing, there can be significant consequences (some of which are outlined in the ‘Dangers’ section below).

If you’re interested in making cannabis wax, the first step is to take your marijuana buds and pack them into a tube or pipe. You’ll then need to force butane (or another solvent) over the plant material. This fluid bonds with THC–the compound that causes a high–and pulls it from the plant.

You may then provide this butane-extracted cannabis oil to your finished product.

Most of the plant’s compounds are left behind when butane is used as an solvent, leaving you with a very powerful concentrate. It provides a high unlike any other joint or bowl you’ve hit in your life. Also, depending on temperature, humidity and other conditions during extraction, various textures can be produced including shatter, budder and crumble.

Another less-known method of producing cannabis wax involves isopropyl alcohol. You soak the marijuana in isopropyl alcohol for a short time before draining it through a micron sieve using this “quick wash” technique.

After straining and filtering the liquid several times, allow the alcohol to evaporate. This process leaves behind a sticky, THC-concentrated extract. To speed up evaporation, you can either let the alcohol dissipate naturally (takes about 24 hours) or apply heat to hasten the process.

What Are the Benefits of Cannabis Wax?

Higher potency is one of the primary advantages to using cannabis wax. The butane content will be much lower in high-grade waxes, and there will be a larger amount of THC. Additionally, because smoking with a rig produces a vapor, this could lead to less lung damage compared to other methods. Another benefit is that the effects from dabbing are almost immediate, which makes it an ideal solution for chronic pain relief or other issues.

If you’re afraid of the hallucinogenic properties or other negative side effects of marijuana wax, CBD wax is an option. This substance is created from cannabidiol extract, a non-intoxicating cannabis component that has been proven to be quite helpful in treating chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and a variety of other ailments.

What is Shatter?

difference between shatter and wax 3 355x400 - Difference Between Shatter And WaxShatter is a weed extract that is generally transparent and suggests purity. However, just because it’s translucent doesn’t necessarily mean it’s high-quality. The potency, texture and consistency are key indicators of good shatter. This product is usually clear or has a glass-like appearance due to the production process which leaves the molecules undisturbed. If the molecules are not agitated during production, then you’re likely left with a quality product.The amount of heat, terpene content, and other factors all have an impact on the product’s texture. The ‘pull and snap’ oil extracts that are smooth to semi-viscous in texture fall under this category.

Shatter is a type of marijuana extract that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the retail markets of North America. Dabbing is the term used to refer to smoking shatter, which requires a glass pipe. Shatter can have THC levels ranging from 50-85%.

How is Shatter Made?

Creating shatter requires blasted weed concentrates in containment columns that use either distilled or liquid butane. This breaks down the cannabinoids and trichomes from the leftover plant residue. The mixture is then heated under a vacuum pump for up to two days, which eliminates the butane concentrate. Upon completion, you’re left with a glass-like texture that shatters easily.

 Differences Between Wax and Shutter


Wax extract is colored beige to brown and is opaque. Shatter, on the other hand, is see-through or translucent and has a golden color.


Shatter is a glass-like material. Wax has a crumbly, soft feel and the buttery texture of wax.


Wax is more manageable than shatter owing to its texture. Shatter crumbles easily, while wax remains solid.

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Those who prefer smoking typically go for wax because it contains more aroma. This is due to the fact that there is less filtration in the making process. Shatter goes through a much more detailed filtration process, which eliminates most of its aroma.


Wax is less reliable and won’t last as long as shutter. Shutter is more dependable and will last longer.


The process of making wax entails using lower temperatures and little to no filtration, while the creation of shutter requires high temperatures with filtration playing a pivotal role.


Wax has more trichomes. Because of the filtering process, the shutter has fewer trichomes.


With the legalization of wax in several areas around the world, many business opportunities have arisen from investing in products that come from this plant. As more people are legally able to consume it, there will be a greater demand for all types of items made using wax.

Although both Shatter And Wax are concentrates that come from the plant, the processes for extracting them differ slightly. The main cannabinoid in both of these products is THC, which is what causes users to experience psychoactive effects after consuming cannabis.

Wax is waxy and butter-like in appearance, as the name suggests. The brighter and more pronounced the yellow color, the better quality product it is. Wax is opaque and has a crumbly texture.

Shatter is atype of concentrate thatis obtainedfrom the plant buds. In terms of extraction, it is done in the same way as wax; however,the molecules are not agitatedand hence they do not crystallize.As for its consistency, Shatter issimilar to gumwitha clean appearance and golden caramel-like hue. It is also worth mentioning that this product contains the most amount of THCcompared to other typesof concentrates.

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