Hachis Rouge Turc


Our Turkish Red Hash provides gentle effects that make it a perfect choice for those seeking mild highs. Usually greenish-brown in color, this strain offers THC content ranging from 3.5 to 8.8 percent – making it an ideal option if you’re looking for something subtle yet enjoyable! To purchase our famously smooth and mellow Turkish Red Hash, visit us online today! Turkish Red Hash is a highly sought-after product credited with providing an unparalleled, cerebral high. Druglibrary.org states that it’s “probably the most cerebral high” available today and possibly of any sort of Hash! Despite its popularity amongst users, obtaining Turkish hash within Turkey can be difficult due to stringent regulations in place by the origin country.

Ce produit est actuellement en rupture d’inventaire et indisponible.

UGS : v7-Turkish Red Hash-8692 Catégorie: